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Dental Implant Treatment Timeline

jaw-painMissing teeth can be a major dental problem. Ideally, this should be dealt with as soon as possible in order to avoid self-consciousness as well as dental health issues down the road. Briefly regarding the latter point, missing teeth can lead to bone loss in the jaw, gum recession, and gradual misalignment of teeth adjacent to the tooth gap or gaps. It’s for this reason that many patients come to our center in order to learn more about implant dentistry.

About Dental Implants

San Diego dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed into the jawbone and gum tissue of a patient. Once in place, the dental implants will be extremely sturdy and able to hold a dental crown, dental bridge, or denture in place.

Best Candidates for Dental Implants

The best candidates for dental implants are patients who are missing a tooth or multiple teeth and are in good general dental health overall. Since oral and maxillofacial surgery is involved, it’s important that patients have no medical conditions that would prevent them from undergoing any sort of surgery.

It’s also important that patients have sufficient bone density and gum density to secure a dental implant in place. A full assessment of candidacy can be made by our La Jolla dentists and dental care specialists when you visit the office for a consultation.

We’d like to take a moment right now to look at the treatment timeline for dental implants and what that entails.

The Oral Surgery

The first step after your initial consultation will be the oral and maxillofacial surgery for the implants to be placed. During this surgery, the dental implant will be secured into your jawbone through an incision in the gum tissue. Patients will be under anesthetic at this time and will feel no discomfort. It’s important that patients arrange for transportation before and after oral and maxillofacial surgery and that they follow our instructions for post-operative care.

The Healing and Recovery Period

This is the most crucial period of the smile design and dental makeover with dental implants. As you heal, your dental implant will be slowly integrating with your bone and gum tissue. This is a process known as osseointegration and it’s essential for a strong hold. We do not want to rush this process and leave patients with wobbly, poorly placed implants.

Generally this will take anywhere between four months to seven months depending on the patient and the placement of the dental implant. We will monitor your progress during this period at various dental appointments.

Placement of the Dental Restoration

Once the osseointegration period is completed, the final dental restoration can be placed. Whether it’s a dental crown, a denture, or dental bridges, we’ll make final aesthetic and functional adjustments as we fit it for your implant. We want to make sure that the restoration looks great and fits properly with the rest of your teeth.

Other Considerations for Smile Enhancement

In addition to dental implants, we also offer many cosmetic treatments for smile designs and makeovers, such as teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, and more. We can discuss various treatments with you in more detail if you wish.

Learn More About Dental Implants and Implant Dentistry

If you are interested in dental implants and would like to find out if this is the right option for you, be sure to contact our La Jolla cosmetic dentistry center today. The entire team here looks forward to discussing these dental health matters with you in more detail during your visit.

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